Star Capital has always believed that the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors within its investment process can positively impact risk control and performance, create value in the companies in which it invests and for the stakeholders involved, while increasing the transparency and reputation of Fund subscribers.

Star Capital  believes that the adoption of ESG criteria represents a useful tool for measuring the quality of management and consider these determining factors during the different phases of the investment process, from initial evaluation to disinvestment.


We pay attention to the environmental performance of the companies in which we invest.

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations and the responsible use of natural resources are considered crucial aspects for the responsible management of companies.


  • To promote the adoption of renewable energy sources and optimize the disposal and recycling of waste in the direction of a circular economy
  • To support the efficient use of natural resources in order to reduce energy consumption
  • To manage environmental risks and adopt ESG criteria in the selection of suppliers


We pay attention to the social impact by creating a virtuous relationship with local communities.

We guarantee respect for human and workers rights regardless of sex, gender or religion.


  • To ensure working conditions respecting diversity and human dignity
  • To protect the health and safety of workers and collaborators
  • To respect national and international regulations in the management of health and safety


We ensure that companies have an adequate corporate structure, paying particular attention to the functioning of the board of directors as well as the presence of independent directors.
We ensure that decision-making processes are linear, accountable and transparent.


  • To ensure compliance with national and international regulations in the area of corporate governance
  • To promote the segregation of duty in the company and the presence of independent directors